Life & General · PhD Progress & Thoughts

Closing Down and Migrating

Dear lovely readers, This will be the last post I'm preparing for this site. Research and Beyond has faithfully served me throughout my doctorate, and it's time for better things. When I started I had every intention of becoming a Professor someday. Now? Well, my priorities have shifted significantly. 5 years will do that to… Continue reading Closing Down and Migrating

Culture Studies

Shurijo Burnt Down After all my education, and mentorship, to learn the culture of my husband and mother-in-law, I've developed a personal connection to passing on Ryukyuan culture to the next generation. On October 31, 2019, Shuri castle burnt down. By Sakiko Shiraishi, BBC News Japan; The Ryukyu dynasty was a kingdom that thrived on maritime trade,… Continue reading Shurijo Burnt Down

PhD Progress & Thoughts

When was the last time you wiped down your phone, keyboard & mouse?

If you haven't taken an alcohol wipe to your computer, mobile phone, and computer accessories lately, now is your reminder of just how much bacteria casually gather on your tech devices. An alcohol wipe doesn't have enough moisture to damage your devices, so you can give your computer mouse and keyboard an easy wipe down.… Continue reading When was the last time you wiped down your phone, keyboard & mouse?

Culture Studies · Life & General

Falling Down The Rabbit Hole (Absurdist Dadaist Meme Humour)

Millennial Humour can be a baffling monolith for outsiders to understand, and in an attempt to capture the logic behind it, here's a small introduction to the Absurdist Dadaist Humour that young people have nowadays. It's absurd, sometimes it doesn't make sense, and that's just the ticket for young people who want a break from… Continue reading Falling Down The Rabbit Hole (Absurdist Dadaist Meme Humour)