Life & General

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

My husband had a health scare earlier this month. I told him that I was reading it as a sign that we should appreciate what we have, because we could lose it all so quickly. He read it as a heads' up that 'sweating the small stuff' is a waste of energy and everything would… Continue reading Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Life & General

Listening and Love Above is a link to a post written by my partner, as they recollected their experiences taken their latest exam. In one of the sections he mentions that he muttered a response to a prompt that his fellow students were worrying about. He wrote that nobody usually listens, but that his knee-jerk response to… Continue reading Listening and Love

PhD Progress & Thoughts

Assumed Neurotypicality

Some basic readings on Neuro-atypicality; referring to mental processing and perception that is not 'neuro-typical'. I.e., Individuals such as those with Autism, mental illnesses, and processing disorders. Some individuals declare their neuro-atypicality/neuro-diversity upfront (such as in the third article), while others prefer to put their identity as a person first before their cognitive processing (such… Continue reading Assumed Neurotypicality

Culture Studies · Life & General

How I Left Organised Religion and Said Hi To God on the Way Out

This post comes after finishing this book by Rabbi Ruttenberg. Earlier in the blog, I've certainly posted about my childhood, my faith, and my lifestyle in snippets for you to read your way through as I make my point on different things. But, after browsing Ruttenberg's book I realized that a lot of the beats… Continue reading How I Left Organised Religion and Said Hi To God on the Way Out