PhD Progress & Thoughts

EURAM 2019 Presentation: Speech Script

Session: 9am, June 28 at ISCTE-IUL Business School, Lisbon Portugal. 'Methods for an Australian Public Health Research Project to Obtain Clinical Staff Perspectives of Management Efficacy: Using Participative, Collaborative Ethnography'. (Paper Presented in another blog post). Pre-print available here.  Slides Used; EURAM SLIDES Time Allotted: 10 minutes with questions at the end Prepared Speech: "My name… Continue reading EURAM 2019 Presentation: Speech Script

PhD Progress & Thoughts · Life & General

Why This Blog is not Purely Academic

This blog is titled 'Research and Beyond' for a reason. As my Twitter followers already know, @MIKendrick94 does not always post research-exclusive things. Sometimes I post things that are political, creative, feminist, or outside my field (STEM subjects, specifically). That is, in essence, because my journey as a PhD student and an academic-in-training is holistic.… Continue reading Why This Blog is not Purely Academic

PhD Progress & Thoughts

Assumed Neurotypicality

Some basic readings on Neuro-atypicality; referring to mental processing and perception that is not 'neuro-typical'. I.e., Individuals such as those with Autism, mental illnesses, and processing disorders. Some individuals declare their neuro-atypicality/neuro-diversity upfront (such as in the third article), while others prefer to put their identity as a person first before their cognitive processing (such… Continue reading Assumed Neurotypicality

Culture Studies · Life & General

How I Left Organised Religion and Said Hi To God on the Way Out

This post comes after finishing this book by Rabbi Ruttenberg. Earlier in the blog, I've certainly posted about my childhood, my faith, and my lifestyle in snippets for you to read your way through as I make my point on different things. But, after browsing Ruttenberg's book I realized that a lot of the beats… Continue reading How I Left Organised Religion and Said Hi To God on the Way Out